
Dear Teen, You want an awesome sports car, but your parents want something cheap, safe, and reliable? The solution is Affordable Teen Rides. This blog is dedicated to educating the parents and teens on what they can afford, while not forcing their teen to drive a clunker. This blog post two reviews per week, and a MAXOUT bi-weekly. The prices will be set at $8,000, $15,000 and $25,000. If you or your parents have a request, simply leave a comment after an article or send me an e-mail at affordableridesblog@gmail.com Thanks for viewing. I hope that I can make the car search a whole lot easier, and a much less confusing. Happy Reading! -ZS
Cars talked about are all over the USA. Currency in USD ($).
Comment if a personal (regional) search is needed. Comment if needing a certain car reviewed.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Parents Choice: "Safety, but something Johnny won't be teased about."

Tonight I write to you about what parents would call a “More Practical” car. Yes parents, this blog is not about just giving “Little fun cars” (quote from MommaCraze68) reviews. And no MrFuNNy86 I am not encouraging dangerous teenage driving. In fact, I’m encouraging just the opposite. When teens are given or purchase a nice car, they are more likely to take care of it and drive even more careful compared to teens that do not drive “nice” cars. Most teens I know take great care of their cars because they either care how it looks, or just want it to be clean when they take their friends places. Besides, what teen wants to be driving around in a car that is beat-up? Anyways, enough about reader’s comments and back to the car at hand.
The Infinity FX 35. What most people do not know is that Infinity is the “Upper-class” version of Nissan. The FX 35 looks fantastic, almost resembling a sports car on the exterior and a rocket ship on the interior. Even better news (Parents!) this car is considered a small SUV so you know it is safe. Plus you get the fuel economy of a small crossover, while the interior comfort stays close to a Land Rover (in newer models). This car has enough cargo room for just about everything a teen could possibly need throughout High school, college and even later in their young adult life. Infinity’s are noted for their safety and reliability but because of this, they don’t come cheap (in addition to the fact that they are not that old). A new one of these will cost you just under $43,000 base and fully loaded will set you back just under $70,000. So taking the fact that they are not old, they start priced pretty high, and that they are great cars you will not find one of these less than $15,000. Actually, you might find 2-3 but odds are, they have high miles, bad title or something is wrong with it. But hey, don’t kill me parents! Y’all were the ones telling me to find nice, safe, more practical cars! On this note, I start my review at $15,000.
FX35: While scanning around in the $15,000 maximum price, one can expect to find a couple of ‘05’s with about 95,000 miles on them; however most vehicles in this price range were ‘04’s with 105,000+ miles on them. Lucky for you, these vehicles are small SUV’s! Meaning you can fit all your buds and their gear in your car after practice. The FX35 was available for sale starting in 2003, making this price range some of the “Parents” to the current models. Obviously the early 2000's set the tone for what one should expect from a FX35. Starting with the big bold aggressive front, iconic smooth curves carry the eye to the passenger compartment where subtle design pieces keep the eye flowing to the rear. Do not let your teen be disheartened by sitting at your computer reading about how great a small SUV is. Yes I know that you want something sporty, but this is a great compromise. This car comes stock with 310Hp so having fun (even off road) in not a challenge. Plus it is big enough that your friends could enjoy the ride too. As I have said in every other review, vehicles around/over 100,000 miles are still ok to drive the only thing you need to watch out for is keeping the vehicle well maintained. These cars still have plenty of life left in them if you take care of them and can be easily driven off-road with no side effects on the vehicles abilities. The interior of these cars are pretty comfortable, and have signature Infinity elements leaving the driver like a kid in a candy store with all of the “space-age” buttons/knobs around the cabin.  The quality tends to be in Average-Great condition (depending on the car) for this price range.
FX35: While scanning around in the $25,000 maximum price, one can expect to find '02's with about 20-25,000 miles on them and ‘08’s with 35-40,000 miles; however I did come across 1 ’02 that had 12,000 miles so the range of mileage is vast (good for you because that puts you in a position to bargain the price lower!). Lucky for you, these vehicles are small SUV’s! Meaning you can fit all your buds and their gear in your car after practice. The 2008's continue the smooth curves and aggressive stance, but they take it up a notch. The 2008 FX35 is a Tech teen’s dream. Having Bluetooth, Navigation, and even more buttons to play with. The interior of these cars are extremely comfortable (No joke, these cars can easily compete with Land Rovers in the comfort department). The quality tends to be in great-like new condition (depending on the car) for this price range.
Bottom line: Parents: You requested it, I did it. This car meets all of your specifications and you will even want to drive it too! These cars last a lifetime and can easily do anything you or your teen needs. Like all things however, they do not come cheap. Even on the used market, so is it really worth $7,000 more to get them this car? (Teens, don’t hate me for this) I say yes it is. They are very safe, and still have enough “kick” to keep me satisfied.
Bottom line: Teens: If you or your parents purchase this car for you then you will not be disappointed. I promise. You have room for all of your gear, friends, pets, anything and everything. It also has some Hp that should keep you secretly satisfied, while your parents relax with the thought of safety.

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